Pierce Elemententary serves students in grades K- 5. We offer art, music, and physical education to all students. A continuum of services to support students academically and socially. In addition, a number of enrichment activities are available at Pierce. In the past, these have included: board game club, book club, art club, Pierce Pizzaz (choir), intramurals, and running club Our highly-qualified and dedicated staff works cooperatively with students and parents toward our goal of Every Learner Future Ready. The PTA is very active with a wide variety of opportunities for volunteeringWe are committed to working with families to provide the best possible educational experience for our students.
School history
Pierce Elementary School opened on February 16, 1965, and added eight classrooms in 1968 due to overcrowding. Pierce’s accomplishments have been recognized with state and national awards. In 1987, the state of Iowa recognized them with the First in the Nation in Education (FINE) award. In 1988, Pierce was cited by the Elementary School Recognition Program of the U.S. Department of Education for excellence in education. In 1996, 1997, 1998, 2001, and 2003, Pierce was the recipient of Iowa Arts Council Grants. Pierce was also honored to be named by the National PTA as a Parent Involvement School of Excellence. In 2020, Pierce was certified by the Marzano Institute in Level 1: Safe and Collaborative Schools.